Plants, Flowers and photosynthesis

Here are the main parts of the plant.  Click on the image for a more detailed document.


Roots act like straws absorbing water and minerals from  the soil. Tiny root hairs stick out of the root, helping in the  absorption. Roots help to anchor the plant in the soil so it does not fall over. Roots also  store extra food for future use.


Stems do many things. They support the plant. They act like the plant's plumbing system, conducting water and nutrients from the roots and food in the form of glucose from the leaves to other plant parts. Stems can be  herbaceous like the bendable stem of a daisy or woody like the trunk of  an oak tree.


Most plants' food is made in their leaves. Leaves are designed to capture sunlight which the plant uses to make food through a process called photosynthesis.


Flowers are the reproductive part of most plants. Flowers contain  pollen and tiny eggs called ovules. After pollination of the flower and  fertilization of the ovule, the ovule develops into a fruit.


Fruit provides a covering for seeds. Fruit can be fleshy like an apple or hard like a nut.


Seeds contain new plants. Seeds form in fruit.


When the conditions are right a seed will germinate. A seed needs warmth and water to germinate. LIGHT OR SOIL are not required.

You need to know the main parts of a germinating seed: embryo shoot, embryo root, food store,seed coat

It is the difference in seed structure that defines these two groups: dicots have 2 seeds leaves (cotyledons), while monocots have only 1 seed leaf. Seed germination also differs between these two groups.

There are several factors that affect plant growth and temperature.  You will need to demonstrate the effect of variation in light, temperature and water on plant growth.  This link and the videos below should give you some ideas.



Photosynthesis means to make with light. This video and animation should help with your understanding of the process. You will not need to remember the symbol equation in the song.


In most plants, glucose is converted to starch which can be tested for using iodine solution .

This video helps to explain the process required to test a leaf for starch.  several important things to remember are:-

a) alcohol is flammable so an important safety note is to make sure that all Bunsen burners are off.

b) ethanol boils at 78 degrees Celsius so even after the water is no longer boiling and the temperature has dropped by even as much as 10 - 15 degrees Celsius, it is still above the boiling point of alcohol so placing a test tube of ethanol into it will cause the ethanol to boil.

photosynthesis is vitally important as it is this process that provides all the oxygen on this planet as well as food for other living organisms. Plants still need oxygen for respiration


how to perform a controlled experiment to show that light is needed for starch production by a potted plant

The leaf produces new material for growth as it uses photosynthesis to produce glucose.  It can then use glucose when it respires like animals do to grow.

Mineral salts are nutrients which are needed for healthy growth. Nitrogen and other elements, in addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are required for plant growth. These need to be in the form of mineral salts for the plant to make use of them. Poor growth results if a plant is deprived of these.

You need to know the name and function of the parts of a flower.

sexual reproduction occurs in flowering plants

pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma.

fertilisation is the fusing together of the male and females sex cells which produces a fertilised egg and then a seed

Fruits are a method of spreading seeds.  this video shows fruit formation

Seeds need to be dispersed to minimize competition for resources of the new plants with the mother plant.  These two videos show how this is done.